Add & Edit Bible Memory Verses

Add a Bible Memory Verse

Open the editor by choosing '+' from the 'Verse' list.

Fill in the reference of the verse you would like to add (e.g. 1 Corinthians 13:3-4).

Tap on 'Look up passage'. Sometimes the Bible versions get updated before you can select one. Please be patient. The updating process can take several minutes. The Bibles available are displayed in alphabetical order.

Select your preferred version, then press 'Done'. Retrieving a passage only works when your device has access to the Internet.

If you do not have a working Internet connection, you can type the passage or copy and paste it from a Bible app.

Add a topic that will help you remember the passage. Add line breaks to break the passage into chunks that are easy to learn.

Do not forget to tap on 'Save' when you are done. Your passage is not saved unless you confirm the changes.

The new verse appears in the list 'New'.

Edit a Verse

In the "Verse" list, select the verse.

Selecting 'Edit' will allow you to proceed as when first creating the verse as above.