Bible Flashcards

The buttons for the Bible flashcards appear when you commit your first memory verses to the 'Due' list. You can either review the due verses or play the Bible Reference Quiz.

Review Due Verses

Select the 'Due' list and press the button with the white flashcards symbol to start reviewing your due verses.

All verses that are due for review queue up as Bible flashcards. The number of cards is shown in brackets.

When you see the first Bible reference, try to say its passage out loud.

If you would like to see the topic as a hint, press long on the card.

After saying the Bible passage, tap on the card to flip it over.

Did you say the passage correctly? If so, fling (swipe) the card to the right, and the Bible memory verse will move to the list of the remembered verses.

If you did not make it, fling it to the left. Thus, the verse stays in the 'Due' list and will queue up for review again next time.

Tapping on the card again brings its reference back. You can skip a card by flinging it down.

Bible Reference Quiz

Press the button with the inverted flashcards symbol to start the Bible reference quiz.

Verses are randomly picked from the 'Due' list or from the 'Known' list, depending on which list is selected. You can set the number in Remember Me's settings ('Quiz Length').

When a passage shows up, try to say its Bible reference.

The number of cards to go is shown in brackets.

Tap on the card to see the correct answer.

If you said it correctly, fling (swipe) the card to the right, otherwise fling it down.

Cards that are flung to the left will appear again, so you can repeat and learn the matching reference.

Again, you can skip a card by flinging it down.

When you are done, the last card appears indicating that the Bible quiz is finished.

Tap on it to return to the list view.